Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group (EDI)
The PAEA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group (EDI) encompasses the national level interest groups like the Committee on Multiethnic Concerns (COMC)–Established 1971, LGBTQ+ Interest Group–Established 1996 and Asian Art and Culture Interest Group (AACIG)—Established 2017.
Like the before-mentioned national interest groups, the purpose of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group (EDI) is to encourage, strengthen, and promote understanding of cultural diversity through the identifying of African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans and to make visible lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues within the field of art education.
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) interest group actively works against misrepresentation and bias in our culture and teaching institutions. Another goal is to produce safer spaces for all students, teachers, and people in our schools and society.
PAEA embraces, represents, and advances greater diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusivity throughout the Visual Art Education community and partnerships.
Equity: Refers to conditions that support fairness and justness based on individual needs and circumstances whereas all members have opportunities to thrive and realize their best within the NAEA community (adopted December 2017).
Diversity: The term ‘diversity’ describes both observable and non-observable individual differences (life experiences, work context, learning and working styles, personality types among others) and group/social differences (race, gender identity and expression, age, social class, country of origin, ability, beliefs, intellectual and cultural perspectives, among others) that can contribute to organizational vibrancy and a dynamic professional community.
Inclusion: The term ‘inclusion’ describes proactive, intentional, and thoughtful engagement with diversity to the extent that all have the ability to contribute fully and effectively throughout the NAEA community.
We Are More Than Words: Anti- Racism Art Resource Guide
Access this resource HERE.
Click HERE for more information on the ED&I Conference Grant!
More Resources