2024-25 Book Clubs
Register for Book Club events on our EVENTBRITE page. REGISTER HERE
Fall 2024
Entering a Child's World: Narrative Pedagogy in Early Childhood Art Education
by Pamela Grace Krakowski
Hosted by Pamela Krakowski, Ed.D. & Sarah Tambucci, Ph.D.
Wendy Milne, Ed.D., Moderator
Mondays, 7 PM – 8 PM
October 7
October 21
November 4
November 18
PAEA Members - Free
NAEA Members - $20
Non-Members - $40
Please join Sarah Tambucci & Pamela Krakowski in the study of Pam’s book, Entering a Child’s World.
The book explores the teaching of art in both the classroom and museum setting. Teachers that work with elementary and middle level students as well as special populations such as pre-school, senior citizens and museum visitors will find valuable and insightful information in this book. Higher Education instructors will find many of Pam’s ideas informative to preparing art education students entering the field. Throughout the book, Pam explores narrative sensibilities that allow her to listen to her students' thoughts, feelings, interests, and concerns. Pam shares, “Over time, I began to see a dynamic tension between (normative and narrative pedagogies) . . . What my students have to say is important, and I have a body of knowledge, skills, and concepts that I believe are important for them to learn.” With curiosity, caring, and respect, Pam has found ingenious ways to enter the children's worlds of imagination and play, interweaving lessons of art and artmaking into what matters most to her students — young and old.
Please join us for insightful conversations about thinking about art from a child’s view.
Up to 12 Act 48 Hours are available.
Winter 2024
Teaching Contemporary Art with Young People: Themes in Art for K–12 Classrooms
Edited by Julia Marshall,
Connie Stewart, & Anne Thulson
Hosted by Mandy Forst & Karla Rupp
Brookye Keeney, Moderator
Mondays, 7 PM – 8 PM
January 13
January 27
February 10
February 24
PAEA Members - Free
NAEA Members - $20
Non-Members - $40
Are you interested in teaching with contemporary art? Please join us as we read, discuss, and share ideas for integrating contemporary art philosophy, and methods into the K–12 classroom. The authors of this book provide a framework that looks at art through the lens of nine themes:
Self & Others
Science, Nature, & Earth
Everyday Life
Space & Place
Popular Culture Work
Time & Change
They also provide guidelines and examples for how to use contemporary art to change the dynamics of a classroom, apply inventive lenses to topics, and spur creative and critical thinking. The selected artwork should be inspiring for both teachers and students. Everyone should find the selected art to be relevant to their lives, probing, serious, and funny. Join us and learn new ways to challenge conventional notions of what art is and how it can and should be created.
Please join Hosts Mandy Forst & Karla Rupp and Moderator Brookye Keeney as they host this collaboration between the PAEA Book Club and Region 7. They are excited to share conversations about contemporary art in classroom with art educators across the state & beyond.
Up to 12 Act 48 Hours are available.
Spring 2025
Get the Picture: A Mind-Bending Journey among the Inspired Artists and Obsessive Art Fiends Who Taught Me How to See
by Bianca Bosker
Hosted by Liesl Mahoney
Leigh Dale, Moderator
Mondays, 7 PM – 8 PM
March 10
March 31
April 14
April 28
PAEA Members - Free
NAEA Members - $20
Non-Members - $40
Join us as we read award-winning journalist, Bianca Bosker’s book about the art world. In Get the Picture, Bosker throws herself into the center of the art world with the people who live for it: gallerists, collectors, curators, and, of course, artists themselves—the kind who work multiple jobs to afford their studios while scrabbling to get eyes on their art. As she stretches canvases until her fingers blister, talks her way into A-list parties full of billionaire collectors, has her face sat on by a nearly–naked performance artist, and forces herself to stare at a single sculpture for hours on end while working as a museum security guard, she discovers not only the inner workings of the art-canonization machine but also a more expansive way of living. Get the Picture is a rollicking adventure that will change the way you see forever.
Please join Liesl Mahoney, Museum Associate Educator for School & Family Programs at The Brandywine Museum of Art, as she hosts our spring book club about the art world. Leigh Dale, Coordinator of Family Programs at Philadelphia Museum of Art, will serve as our book club moderator.
Up to 12 Act 48 Hours are available.